Mobilize Monday: Primaries Matter
We are officially in primary election season. Between now and early September, primary elections will be held to determine who gets to be on the ballot in November. Most people blow off the primaries in mid-term election years, but we cannot afford to do so this year. There are a record number of new faces running for office this year, with more women of color and LGBTQ candidates on ballots than any other time in history. But there are also at least 8 white supremacists spouting their racist beliefs on the primary campaign trail seeking a chance to be on the ballot in November. There is even a confessed pedophile/rapist running for office in Virginia.
If you haven’t been paying attention to the primary season, WE CAN hopes these data both inspire and scare you to get serious about your 2018 voting plan.
Why are primary elections important?
Think of the primary election like a political party’s interview process. Political parties host town hall meetings, debates and other events to help the public learn about the candidates. The primary election determines which candidates will be on the ballot and run against the opposing parties. Most primary election ballots are closed—meaning you can only vote for the candidates running for office in your selected party.
Please take note of the following steps you can take to get ready for the 2018 primary election season.
- Check your voter registration status TODAY! Click here to confirm your voter registration status.
- Put your state’s primary election date on your calendar! Click here to find out when your state’s primary elections take place.
- Vote on primary day! Create your plan NOW and be ready to vote—don’t sleep.
Your vote matters! Please don’t let the opportunity to create a better America pass you by!
Yours in the struggle,
Founder and President, WE CAN