WE CAN invites you to join with other activists on local, state, and national campaigns.
All reSister campaigns have one thing in common: they are all intended to improved the lives of women of color, our families, and our communities.
The CROWN Act Campaign
The CROWN Act Campaign is designed to stand with the thousands of Sisters who are discriminated against in the workplace and other settings based on how they wear their hair. According to a 2020 Duke University Fuqua School of Business study, Black women with natural hairstyles were not recommended as frequently to advance to the interview stage as Black women with straightened hair and white women. Basically, Black women with natural hair were discriminated against for wearing their hair the way it naturally grows out of their heads. The fact that skill and experience were overruled by bias over a hairstyle is cause for alarm and action! Support this WECAN Campaign!
Safe Delivery Campaign
For most women, pregnancy is a wonderful time full of joy and promise. Most women will have uneventful pregnancies, with the normal challenges of swollen feet, achy backs, and strange cravings. Most women will deliver healthy babies after a full-term pregnancy and will leave the birth experience with no lasting negative effects. But for too many women of color, pregnancy is often a dangerous time. Women of color experience more complications during pregnancy and have more negative outcomes, including infant mortality than their white peers. Let’s look at the data. Support this WECAN Campaign!
#NoDebtDegree Campaign
The American Dream says that we should all have the opportunity for a good life—to have a great job, own a home, a loving family, and achieve whatever we set our minds and energies to achieve. But the American Dream is just out of reach for many African American, Latinx, Asian Pacific Islander, and Native American women. A college degree is often touted as a guaranteed pathway to the American Dream. The good news is women of color, especially Black women, are attending college at an all-time high rate and in some cases more than white youth and young adults. Support this WECAN Campaign!
WE CAN needs you!
You can help us in our efforts to facilitate social justice, equal opportunity and improved quality of life for all.Join the Action Network TODAY