Reason #3: Because We Still Can!
Happy New Year! I have been ‘away’ from the blog desk trying to raise money for WE CAN and plan new initiatives. I have been burning the candle at both ends and in the middle! In the past, I’ve written about the importance of radical self-care as if it is something we do periodically to recharge and, if I’m honest, I have often ignored my advice (insert eye roll here). After watching the Tedx talk by Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith below, I have a different view on what radical self-care means. You’ll understand what I mean after you watch the YouTube presentation of Dr. Dalton-Smith’s, “The real reason why we are tired and what to do about it.”
Now, why did I share this? I want to remind you that you are a sacred blessing to the world. Whatever higher power you believe in, please remember that he/she/it created YOU with a purpose and gave you divine gifts to use to better the world around you. And taking good care of our minds, bodies, and spirits is required to make the best use of those gifts.
The world needs ALL of our gifts to fix voting rights, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, reproductive health and abortion rights, student loan debt, increasing housing and gas prices, and the education system.
The U.S. Congress MUST act now to protect our elections. The President MUST forgive all student loan debt. State Legislatures MUST ensure that all COVID-19 relief funding makes it to the folks who need them most. But 2021 showed us that too many elected officials don’t act unless they are pressured to do so. We MUST make them work in the best interests of the folks who voted them into office. But how?
If you’re reading this, you know the power of adding your voice with other sisters to get the attention of policymakers. Today, WE CAN asks for your help to grow our network so we can all increase our power and gear up to fight for freedom and justice. Please share this post with your network and on your social media channels.
Make a resolution to fight for our rights and justice. Together WE CAN change our country for the better. Join the WE CAN Network to help stop the attacks on our rights and freedoms. #BecauseWeStillCan. Share on X
In solidarity,