Make Work Pay
Women of color are not experiencing the same financial recovery that our white peers are. In fact, our access to the so-called American dream is becoming further and further out of reach, even while some Americans are seeing their finances improve. Let’s take a look at some numbers from the National Women’s Law Center:
Poverty rates are high for women of color:
- 25% of African-American women
- 25% of Native American women
- 23% of Latina women
- 12% of Asian-American women
Single-parenting creates huge financial challenges and contributes to high rates of poverty with all households led by women of color:
- 57% of Native American women
- 46% of African-American women
- 46% of Latina women
- 29% of Asian-American women
And according to the Pew Charitable Trusts, we’re often ‘hustling backwards’ and not able to save for a ‘rainy day.’ For example, about 1 in 4 African-American families have less than $5 in reserve for emergencies; while low-income white families have about $375.
The net result is we take desperate measures to pay the bills, like pay day loans or using credit cards to pay bills in a never ending cycle of financial ruin roulette.
But that doesn’t have to be the end of the story. WE CAN is working with Sisters all over the country to raise our voices and change the policies and systems that make it difficult for us to make fair wages and create a better life for ourselves and our families.
What Can You Do?
Join WE CAN to change these numbers and help all Sisters experience all the benefits of our labor!
Sign up to volunteer for the Make Work Pay Campaign. There will be periodic actions you can take, so please make sure we know you want to raise your voice in support of the Make Work Pay Campaign and stay tuned!