WE CAN Make it Better Together!

Dear Sisters,
I apologize for the extended hiatus. Life has been ‘life-ing,’ and the WE CAN team has experienced a lot over the past few months—some good and some not so good—but like you, I know that when we lean on our support systems, we can overcome anything.
Overcoming is a concept I’ve been contemplating a lot lately. As our country sinks to new depths of racism, xenophobia, sexism, classism, and political strife, it is often hard to remain optimistic that we will overcome. It is hard to be optimistic that the U.S. will live up to our founding documents and be the great society only possible when all men and women are valued. Changing from who we are now to who we could be is a daunting proposition that leaves many wondering if things will ever change.
Change is difficult. Change often feels impossible. Change is scary. Changing our society and systems is necessary—now more than ever.
In past Mobilize Monday posts, I have asked you to share information about WE CAN with your family, friends, and networks. I’m not looking to grow the WE CAN Network as a popularity contest. I am seeking to grow the network to grow our impact!
If we had only 600 women of color to vote in certain congressional districts, WE CAN flip several seats and get closer to a U.S. House of Representatives more likely to govern for the people. Imagine what we could do if all the Black eligible voters turned out in Texas, Georgia, Florida, New York, and California. Similar data is available for other women of color. I get the chills thinking about what is possible!

Growing the WE CAN Network to have women of color activated to create change is mission work for me. It pains me that we (women of color—my sisters) are not appreciated (in mainstream political circles) as a powerful voting bloc. WE CAN continue to show up and change this nation with well-placed efforts to register voters, get them to turn out at the polls, and with improved voter education to ensure that when folks go to the polls, they are informed not only about who is running at the top of the ballot but are informed about all the other races and issues on the ballot. WE CAN change our country!
Don’t get me wrong, it will be HARD. It will take more time than some of us have patience. We will take steps forward and backward and sometimes feel like we will never win. But everything we went through will have been worth it when we win!
Our ancestors knew the pain of movement building. They also knew that the more they stuck together, the more likely they would succeed.

What’s At Stake?
Powerful forces are seeking to take us back in time to when women couldn’t vote, Black people were enslaved, poor people didn’t have safety net programs, and white men held all the power. These forces know precisely what they are doing and count on us being distracted, divided, and defeated.
They underestimate how resourceful, determined, and strategic we are when working together. YES, WE STILL CAN defeat those working against us and our communities!
So today, I implore you to invite three (3) women in your sister circle to join WE CAN. Membership in the network is free! We gather information like zip codes to start mapping where we have members ready to take action.
Stay tuned for news of upcoming events and actions you can take to help America live up to her potential as the greatest Democracy in the world.
In solidarity,
Stephanie, WE CAN Founder