WE CAN DO Something!

I feel like we’re living in a real-life Handmaid’s Tale or Hunger Games, where we, the people, are being controlled by a force seemingly too big to defeat.
The good news is there ARE things we can do!
One of the reasons I like the name WE CAN is that it reminds us that YES, WE CAN create change. Women of color are a POWERFUL voting bloc. We elected a Black president and almost elected a Black woman president. We have 2 Black female U.S. Senators for the first time in history. There are two women of color in the U.S. Supreme Court. There are so many other notable firsts. WE CAN’T STOP NOW!
Here Are Two Things You Can DO Today!

Get to Know Your Elected Officials
Use the WE CAN Look Up Tool to find the contact information for your elected officials. Put their contact information in your cell phone ASAP so you have what you need to make calls and send emails!

Demand Your Elected Officials Create and Pass a Better Federal Budget

Last week, the U.S. Congress passed a short-term federal spending plan. We have a few more opportunities to raise our voices and let them know how we want OUR tax dollars to be spent! On Thursday, April 3, 2025 at 6:00 pm, WE CAN will hold a virtual one-hour workshop to describe how the federal budget process works and when and how WE CAN weigh in. Register today and share widely with your networks. WE CAN’s goal is to send letters to at least half of the U.S. Congress, and we’ll show you how to write to your Congresspersons during the call.

WE CAN make a difference!
In solidarity,