Voting is STILL Our Primary Weapon!
The November election is only 29 days away! Political pundits are predicting different outcomes. Some say the Democrats have a pathway to keeping the house and expanding their control of the U.S. Senate. Others say the Republicans will win control of the U.S. Senate and shut down the Administration’s attempts to fill key posts like judges and agency leaders. Some say the economy is the most important thing. Others say reproductive health will be the wedge issue that brings people to the polls.
We cannot ignore the state-level races where high-stakes decisions will be made about offices like the secretary of state—state employees who control how elections are conducted—the ones who certify election results and ensure that the voting process is carried out legally and fairly.
No matter what you believe or whom you listen to, I think we can all agree that the country certainly feels like the hot mess express!
I was stunned when I read a recent article in Politico reporting that an AARP study said only 17 percent of women over 50 have made up their minds about whom they will vote for in the 2022 election.
Would you be surprised to learn that women over 50 are likely the ones that will determine the outcomes of many races in November? In fact, women over 50 made up nearly a third of voters who showed up at the polls in 2020. I wonder why so many women over 50 are undecided.
And which women are voting is also interesting. According to Politico, women aged 50-64 lean more Republican, while women aged 65+ lean more Democratic.
Even though more women of color are running for office, not enough women of color are registered to vote and turn out at the polls. WE. MUST. DO. BETTER!
Additionally, many women of color, especially Black women, feel that the Democrats take their vote for granted. Recently, polls indicated that more women of color are turning to the Republican party, with Hispanic women leaning toward the Republican party more than at any other time in history.
The bottom line—sisters, regardless of the political party, we need to talk amongst ourselves and motivate non-voting sisters to vote, put on our pumps or sneakers, and register sisters across the nation.
It occurred to me that if you are reading this, you are likely already registered to vote and have a plan to vote in November. Being ready is NOT ENOUGH.
We MUST each commit to getting other women of color active in the important work of shaping the direction of our communities and our country.
What can you do?
Start by participating in WE CAN’s upcoming Get Out the Vote Letter Writing Party! We’ll spend an hour jamming to music and writing to voters across the country. Watch the instructional video below and REGISTER HERE to participate in the October 25th event!
For the next few weeks, we’ll share more ideas about how you can get sisters to the polls and more involved in what is happening in our communities and our country.
In the meantime, don’t forget to sign up for upcoming WE CAN events.
Join WE CAN as we conduct several events in the coming months to disrupt the efforts to limit our rights and suppress our vote!
You can REGISTER HERE to see all events or register for individual events by clicking the event dates below.
Tuesday, October 11th at 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Act Now! ~ Student Loan Forgiveness Deadline Approaching
African American and Latinx women have the highest average student loan debt balances. In fact, women of color who borrow money to pay for college are 12% more likely to have student loan debt than white women. They also struggle to pay back their debt, often seeing their loan balances increase due to compounding interest!
But there is hope. Borrowers with federal student loans who work in public service (including nonprofit organizations), may be eligible for loan forgiveness through the limited public service loan forgiveness (PSLF) waiver.
Register today for the important session describing how to take advantage of this opportunity before the October 31st deadline.
Tuesday, October 25th at 6:30 pm
Get Out the Vote Letter Writing Party!
WE CAN is partnering with Psi Epsilon Omega Chapter, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® for a FUN and interactive event to encourage more folks to cast their vote in November. Did you know that one of the main reasons folks don’t vote is that no one asked them? WE CAN will supply letters you will send to voters in key states and ask that you add a personal note inviting them to join you and vote on November 8th.
Friday, October 28th at 7:00 pm
This month, we’ll be screening, Unapologetic, a film by Ashley O’Shay, about Janaé and Bella, two fierce abolitionists whose upbringing and experiences shape their activism and views on Black liberation. Through their lens, Unapologetic provides an inside look into the ongoing movement work that transformed Chicago, from the police murder of Rekia Boyd to the election of mayor Lori Lightfoot. Watch the trailer below.
It is NEVER too late to learn more about how to be a better advocate or disrupt the efforts to hinder your rights.
Join WE CAN and our partners TODAY! Together WE CAN create the communities and country that we want and need!
In solidarity,