Time for Precision!
Damn, damn, damn. Do you remember this iconic line spoken by Ester Rolle’s Florida Evans character during the Good Times episode when she found out James Evans had died? I said that a lot over this past weekend while I binge-watched tv and ate a large quantity of junk food. The shooting in Buffalo. The persistent attack on reproductive health and rights. Inflation. Resurging COVID. Baby formula shortage. All things that hit women of color differently and more harshly than our white peers.
Are you experiencing ALL the emotions? Or have you shut down because it’s all too damn much? However you are or were feeling, we, like our foremothers, have done for centuries, must straighten our crowns, dust ourselves off and keep working to save the whole damn country.
The spell check I used told me that the word damn might be offensive to my readers. I almost laughed out loud because I don’t give a mickey flick about who might be offended about me raging against the death of more Black folks. I’m not the least bit bothered by who might be upset about me calling elected officials to account for their mismanagement of the power we gave them when we voted them in office. I won’t lose a wink of sleep over some little snowflake getting offended by me calling out how racism is KILLING my people (AND the nation).
Today I am resolved. I am determined. I am getting prepared. Today I will begin to embody Audre Lorde’s challenge to focus with precision and become a powerful source of CHANGE!
So, for today’s Mobilize Monday, I beg you to reach out to your legislators and put them on notice. Let them know that you DEMAND ACTION. Thoughts and prayers are NOT ENOUGH. You can find the contact information for your state legislators here. The short script below can be emailed, read in a voice mail message, or posted on social media.
I elected you to protect a woman’s right to choose, ensure public safety, and respond to the needs of your constituents. I expect you to take a stand for justice, equality, and freedom in the coming weeks. I will be watching, and I will hold you accountable for your actions!
Sisters, I know you’re tired. I know you’re fed up. But we have no choice but to stand in the gap and save our damned democracy.
Thank you in advance for all you will do to save ourselves, our communities, our country, and I daresay the world.
In solidarity,