Take a Step to Get Connected!

Did you watch the foolishness on Capitol Hill last week when the Republicans in the House of Representatives couldn’t elect a Speaker of the House? The multiple votes were an embarrassment for our country and stained our standing as the oldest democratic nation. Not being able to elect a speaker meant that the House of Representatives was delayed in getting about the business of running the country and addressing the urgent needs of the American people.
We don’t have time for this kind of foolishness to continue. There is TOO MUCH AT STAKE. Passing voting rights legislation (in time to install important protections ahead of the 2024 general election), the growing crisis at the border, the war in Ukraine, historic rain/floods in California, preparing for the next wave of the COVID pandemic (and future pandemics), implementing additional efforts to address inflation, and so on. Republicans also have their eyes on Medicare, Social Security, the Affordable Care Act, and other programs that help the poor and most vulnerable Americans. We don’t have time for the theatrics on display last week.
Last week was also the anniversary of the January 6th insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. I am STILL annoyed that so many elected officials are trying to gaslight us and act as if the attack didn’t happen. If you want to see what the January 11th Committee found during their investigation, check out their report. I still shiver when I think about the images on the news that entire day.
If last week is any indication of what we can expect for the next two years of a Republican-led House of Representatives, we better strap in and get ready to put in the work!
I did an informal poll last week to see how many of the folks I interacted with have the contact information for their members of Congress in their cell phones. I was STUNNED to learn that only a few of the 50 or so folks I asked had this vital information in their phones.

TODAY, take a step forward and get to know your legislators. You need to know what the person representing you says about the things that are important to you. What is keeping you awake at night? What do you need to ensure a good future for yourself and your family? Do you feel safe in your home and your community?
You need to know what the person representing you says about the things that are important to you.
Connect to YOUR Elected Officials!
You can find the contact information for your representatives on WE CAN’s Find Your Elected Officials Look Up Tool! It’s simple, and you’ll be a few clicks away from one of the most important relationships you can have as a concerned community member!

Once you enter your address and have your list, click the social media icons, and you’ll be redirected to their pages where you can follow/like your two United States Senators, your member of the House of Representatives, your Governor, and County officials like County Councilpersons and District Attorneys.
If you’re already connected to your elected officials—good job! Take a second today to let them know you are watching what they’re doing and they should expect to hear from you A LOT over the next few years.
You ARE a force of nature with the power to change the world. Start TODAY by contacting people whose job is to make decisions that impact your life.

Do you work for an organization seeking to improve outcomes for Black, Indigenous, Latin, Asian, Arab, Pacific Islander, and other women and girls of color? If so, WE CAN invites you to Get on the Map!
WE CAN is looking for organizations that are influencing policies at the local, state, and national levels to become a part of a national movement to activate women of color. Complete this short form to let WE CAN and sisters across the country know how they can join your efforts to WIN more funding, better programs, and more support for women and girls of color.
In solidarity,