Rest, Regroup and Resist!

Still reeling from the election results and recent cabinet nominations? You are NOT alone. The next few years will be VERY challenging.
There is much that could be said about how we got here. Pointing fingers and assessing blame serves no one, especially when our opponents are already implementing their oppressive and regressive policy agenda. Anger, despair, fear, and frustration are most definitely appropriate emotions in these moments. Many of you are posting on social media sharing tools you use in challenging times like these. Some have also posted about your difficulty moving on from election day. In every situation, protecting our peace is in order. Taking the time to heal. Being in community with each other.
I’ve been gathering information about opportunities for sisters to rest and rejuvenate. I’ve placed some below and invite you to share resources you’re using to help grow this list for the sisters in the WE CAN Network.

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This is a sacred space for Black women to gather, share, and heal.

It’s time to take care of our own, find the way to heal, and embrace change through our community.
Great Escape & Guilty Pleasure

In the coming months, WE CAN will re-group and plan for our next steps. As much as we would like to, we can’t sit on the sidelines and let our country implode. What’s the adage that when white folks catch a cold, we get pneumonia (or in today’s society–COVID, bird flu, Zika, or something new and worse)? When/if they kill key federal agencies, deport millions of immigrants, implement tariffs on imported goods, and give another tax cut to the wealthy, we will be directly negatively impacted.

To begin, WE CAN would like to know what is worrying you most now. What questions do you have about the incoming administration’s plans for the future? Are you concerned about anything in particular, such as can the incoming president really change the constitution? Please click the button below and let us know what you want or need to know and WE CAN will research it and share what we learned.
In the meantime, rest well and easy sisters! WE WILL be alright!
In solidarity,
Stephanie McGencey, WE CAN Founder