Mobilize Monday: Have Questions for People Running for Office?
Right now, it seems like all the election action is focused on who is running for President. While that election is VERY important, there are several other important races that we need to pay attention to because the winners will have the power to make a huge difference in our everyday lives. Both political parties know that women of color represent a large and powerful group of voters, but for reasons we won’t discuss in this post, they don’t seem all that interested in courting our vote.
Please help WE CAN change that!
We want our voices to be heard loud and clear in every town hall meeting, campaign stop, and candidate platform. To do that, WE CAN invites you to join us in developing a set of questions for candidates.
Send your questions for anyone running for Mayor, State Legislature, Governorship, United States Congress, or President, to WE CAN by clicking the box below. WE CAN will compile your questions, sort and organize them, and prepare some tips on how to use your voice in 2020.
Important Races to Watch in 2019 and 2020!
Thank you to the folks at Ballotpedia for their great work compiling ballot information! WE CAN used their links for all the races noted below.
Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, and Other Top State Officials
In 2019, Kentucky, Louisiana and Mississippi will be electing Governors and other top state elected officials in 2019; and in 2020 11 states will be selecting Governors and other top state officials.
- Delaware
- Indiana
- Missouri
- Montana
- New Hampshire
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Utah
- Vermont
- Washington
- West Virginia
State Legislatures
In 2020, all states EXCEPT Alaska, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, New Jersey, and Virginia will be electing state legislators. Please take a look at your state’s 2020 election profile. If you want to go even deeper and see who is running for offices like State Treasurer, Auditor, and Education leaders, click here.
Let’s make some noise and show the candidates that we mean business!
Stephanie McGencey, WE CAN President and Founder