Mobilize Monday: Lead (or Join) a STEP Team Today!
Happy New Year! I hope that you all had a joyous and restful holiday season! Goodness knows we all need to be well-rested for the advocacy work ahead! I hope that you can think of at least three things to celebrate because there is certainly cause for concern given heightened tensions with Iran and the looming impeachment trial.
This is the time of year that many of us make vows to do better. Eat better, exercise more, spend more time with family and friends, get a better job, save more money—something that will improve our lives. Today I write to ask you to add WE CAN to your list of things you will ‘do better’ in 2020!
Take a vow to join with other sisters nationwide and add your voice to the megaphone of women of color raising cane about the things important to us.
Women of color remain a very powerful political group, but for some strange reason, we have allowed some to make us believe that we have little to no influence. That’s a lie! We have A LOT of power, we need to flex our muscles and use it!
WE CAN invites you to show the naysayers how wrong they are and lead or join a STEP Team.
What is a STEP Team?
Sisters Talking Effective Policy (STEP) Teams are small groups of women of color that help WE CAN identify local needs, engage in problem-solving sessions, inform WE CAN’s advocacy campaign strategies, and collaborate to influence policy and practice.
How often do STEP Teams Meet?
STEP Teams don’t have to meet at any particular time! Do you have time when you regularly get together with your girlfriends? If so, take some of that time to get feedback from the group on an issue or take action on a WE CAN campaign (such as sending an email to your members of Congress).
How many women are in a STEP Team?
There is no set number, but WE CAN has found STEP Teams that have at least ten women are the most active and productive.
Where do I sign up to be a STEP Team Leader?
Click HERE to sign up to become a STEP Team Leader! A WE CAN team member will follow up in a day or so!
What if I can’t commit to being a STEP Team Leader? Can I join a STEP Team?
Yes, you can join a STEP Team! Click HERE to join a local STEP Team!
Whom do I contact if I have any questions?
Please reach out to [email protected] or call us at 301-979-7966.
Thank you in advance for taking an important STEP FORWARD with WE CAN!
Yes, WE CAN!
Stephanie McGencey, WE CAN President and Founder