Mobilize Monday: Honor Congressman Lewis by Taking Action!
Today we mourn the loss of another civil rights icon Congressman John Lewis. Today we must honor him by continuing his important work for racial equity, social justice, and freedom. There are so many ways to get involved and take a stand. Today you can sign a petition in support of renaming a bridge in John Lewis’s honor. You can also demand justice for Breonna Taylor and Vanessa Guillen. You can complete your 2020 Census form and make sure that everyone you know does the same. Do something. TODAY!
Action Opportunity #1
The John Lewis Bridge Project
Click the photo below to add your name to the list of people calling for the bridge is best known for Bloody Sunday to be renamed for Congressman John Lewis. If you don’t know the history of the bridge, click HERE to watch a short documentary film about the bridge and Congressman Lewis’s leadership of the effort that led to the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Action Opportunity #2
Demand Justice for Breonna Taylor and Vanessa Guillen
I know it may seem like WE CAN is a broken record on the call for justice for these two young sisters, but we won’t stop until steps are taken to hold their killers accountable for their deaths.

The office of Daniel Cameron, Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Kentucky and former aide to Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY), is investigating the murder of Breonna Taylor. Please send a message to his office to let him know that we expect justice for Breonna and demand that his office pursue criminal charges against the four officers who fired 22 shots. Only one officer has been arrested so far and that is NOT ok.
U.S. Army Specialist Vanessa Guillen went missing in April and sadly her body was recently found leaving her family grieving the loss. Sign this petition today demanding that your Congressman and Senators open an investigation of the chain of command on Fort Hood. Vanessa complained that she was being harassed by fellow soldiers and leaders. She deserves justice!

Action Opportunity #3
Complete your 2020 Census Form
Watch the short video below about the importance of completing the census form. If you are concerned about schools, transportation, health care, and representation in Congress then completing the census is a NO BRAINER. It takes only a few minutes to ensure that our government invests in your community in the most appropriate ways.
I know it is hard to stay encouraged when there seem to be so many things going wrong in our country right now. But WE CAN create change! Let’s stay focused!
In solidarity,
Stephanie McGencey, WE CAN Founder