Mobilize Monday: Celebrate Black Women!
Here we are nearly half-way through Black History Month and the news is loaded with reports showing that Black folks are still not celebrated in the United States. A recent Google search about Black folk in America yielded the following two articles.
Word on the street is Black folk in America are doomed. But, we know a different story!
Go to The Historymakers website and watch the episodes about Victoria Adams, Civil Rights Activist or Corynne Corbett, Magazine Publisher/Editor or Raye Jean Montague, Engineer or Anita DeFrantz, Nonprofit executive and Olympic athlete. Just wander around this website and celebrate Black excellence!
[su_quote]When other folks won’t celebrate you, you have to celebrate yourself![/su_quote]
For today’s Mobilize Monday your task is simple-soak in all the love, power, strength, wisdom, and joy in the following quotes by Black women. Be inspired by them. Use them for fuel to run the race before us in a country that is too often hostile to us. Let us embrace one another with a warmth and sincerity that is infectious.
After you’ve finished reading the quotes, stop and look in the mirror and CELEBRATE YOU!
Stephanie McGencey, Founder/President