Mobilize Monday: A Big Fight for Our Lives!
Last week was a tough week. The Supreme Court handed down the decisions to uphold the Muslim ban and weaken unions that work hard to protect the rights of American workers. As if that wasn’t enough Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his resignation offering the current president the opportunity to appoint a new justice that could join in efforts to ban abortion and repeal other rights and privileges of citizenship.
There was some good news with primaries in several states yielding an impressive field of candidates who support equity, inclusion, women’s rights and an opportunity agenda that would create economic opportunity for more Americans.
However, we cannot let the good news overshadow the gravity of the situation at hand. In 127 days we will have an opportunity to select leaders at all levels of government. If we have learned nothing since the last general election, we have learned that elections have consequences. If we want to change the trajectory of the country and live up to the promise and history of our democracy, we must vote. WE CAN implores each of you to do more than vote! We need to WORK to help elect the candidates whom we believe will represent us and our families and communities well. This election is VERY IMPORTANT. While we may not be able to ward off the appointment of a Supreme Court Justice (Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-KY, has vowed to push for an appointment as soon as possible), there are still other major issues at stake.

Sisters-we have A LOT to lose if we don’t exercise our right to vote and select candidates who will best represent us and our needs and concerns.
Please click HERE to educate yourself about the upcoming election and share this information widely with your family, friends, and networks.
Stay tuned to WE CAN to learn more to come on other actions you can take between now and election day!
Yours in the struggle,
WE CAN Founder and President