Meeting the Moment, Part 8: We’ll Be Just Fine!

Well, here we are, Election Day. It is hard not to be anxious and concerned about what the next week (it may take that long to get results) may hold. In moments like these, I turn to my faith and good friends. I’m saying extra prayers and meditations to calm my nerves while we wait for the election shoe to drop. I also look forward to an Election Watch Party tonight with my sorority sisters.
One thing is certain: regardless of the outcome, there will still be work to do. We still need to fight for the issues that concern us and our families and communities.

- Too many sisters are still dying in childbirth.
- Too many sisters are still living in deep poverty and not able to take care of themselves or their families.
- Too many sisters are living in fear in Gaza, in the hood, and in homes that are not safe.
- Too many sisters are struggling with hostile work environments where they are met with daily aggressions, but they can’t quit because they need the job.
- Too many sisters are still unemployed after COVID wreaked havoc on our economy.
- Too many sisters are suffering from depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues and are not able to get the care they need.
- Too many sisters still don’t have health insurance and are one sickness away from financial ruin or worse.
- Too many sisters are still living with crushing student loan debt and are hustling backward, trying to pay the debt that was supposed to lead to better jobs with good wages.
I believe you get the picture; the U.S. (hell, the world) remains a harsh place to be a woman of color.
Regardless of who lives at the White House in January 2025, we must fight against all efforts to keep us burdened with fear, doubt, and frustration so we don’t raise our voices and fight! They are counting on burying us in debt, poor health, homelessness, unsafe neighborhoods, unemployment, discrimination, etc., to keep us down and out. But we will rise up and prove them wrong!

Today, on Election Day, take a moment to use all the tools you have to protect your peace. Maybe don’t watch the news until late tonight when more election results are posted. If your budget can manage it, go out to eat and order the dessert you like. Or even better, go for a long walk with someone you love and reminisce about all the joys you’ve experienced together. Whatever you do, don’t succumb to anger, frustration, and fear. We will be just fine!
WE CAN will be back in two weeks to share how YOU can raise your voice and be a CHANGEMAKER in your community!
In solidarity,
Stephanie McGencey, WE CAN Founder