Meeting the Moment Part 6: Use Your Voice!

We are powerful! There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. We manage families, run businesses, lead organizations, and generally keep the world turning. I know we don’t get much credit for our efforts, but we all know what would happen if women of color shut down for a day!
We have a big job over the next 15 days—make sure EVERYONE you touch knows they need to vote on November 5th! I know we already have a ton of things to do. So, I call on you to draw strength from our ancestors and help us reach record numbers of voters at the polls on election day.
WE CAN invites you to flex at our upcoming Get Out the Vote Letter Writing Party on Friday, October 25, 2024 at 7:00 pm ET. Join us online for a party with a purpose!
If you need some inspiration, watch this brief video about one of my sheroes, Fannie Low Hamer—a civil rights icon and leader. Her famous quote about being sick and tired of being sick and tired applies just as much today as it did when she first said the words.
Need a Way to Get to the Polls?

Lime to the Polls
Use promo code VOTE2024 (valid 10/29-11/5) for free rides to and from your polling place to vote early or vote on Election Day November 5th. Click this link for more information about Lime to the Polls!

Lyft’s Vote24
Offering a 50% discount (up to $10) on Election Day rides to the polls. Just preload the code, VOTE24, on or before November 5th. Click here for more information on Lyft’s Vote24 Initiative!

Uber Go Vote!
Activate the promo code by using the “Go Vote” button within the app to request a ride to your polling location. 50% discount valid for one (1) trip up to a maximum discount of $10. Click here for more information on Uber’s Get Out the Vote!
Let’s use our power for good and help turn out RECORD numbers of voters on November 5th!
In solidarity,
Stephanie McGencey, WE CAN Founder