Marching On!

Dear Sisters,
This past weekend, the WE CAN Team was busy mobilizing around the 60th Anniversary of the March on Washington. As I said last week, the march this year was a celebration and a call for renewed action!
Thousands gathered on the Mall and made bold statements about the work ahead. Please look at some of the photos we took during the celebration.

On Sunday, August 27th, WE CAN’s founder participated in a health equity fair sponsored by the Congress of National Black Churches held at the historic Shiloh Baptist Church of Washington, DC. Hundreds of people came and received health screenings, health education and sampled healthy foods. WE CAN was on hand to share information about our Safer Delivery Campaign to protect Black women during pregnancy and childbirth. Several people sent letters to their members of Congress calling on them to support the Black Momnibus Act of 2023.

WE CAN looks forward to seeing you at our upcoming events!
Three upcoming Movies to Movements events focus on teen suicide, lack of quality affordable childcare, and sex trafficking, highlighting their impact on our communities. Please see the details and register below.

WE CAN wishes you a joyous end to the Summer and hope that you are rested for the work ahead!
In solidarity,
Stephanie McGencey, WE CAN Founder