Happy Holidays and a Joyous New Year!

In a few short days, we will celebrate the start of 2025! It’s hard to believe that 2024 is nearly done. I did not accomplish some of the things I hoped to accomplish this year, but I did check some important things off my ‘get myself together’ list!
Whatever state your life is in, I wish you all the joy your heart can stand in the new year. The kind of joy that makes you smile for no apparent reason. The type of joy that makes you sit down and wonder how you could be at peace when a storm rages around you. The kind of joy that makes you want to hug someone. The type of joy you can’t contain!

The WE CAN team is working to determine our next best steps to fight against those who want to steal our joy and make our lives miserable. We’ll reach out early in the new year to get your feedback and share ideas.
Until then, talk to yourself like you talk to those you love. Remind yourself that you have a right to joy. Pursue joy and don’t feel guilty about it. Make joy your norm!
In sisterhood and solidarity,