Get Your Team Together!

wecanonlineMobilize Monday, Mobilize Mondays


“Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women.” — Maya Angelou

If we don’t stand up for ourselves, no one else will. We cannot. No, we should not wait for any group of people to do what is best for us. Only we know what we need and the best way to ensure we get whatever we need.

As you know, Mobilize Monday posts are about easy ways to take action and create change. Today, I want to share how you can get in the way of the slash-and-burn approach to social change we’re experiencing now. What is happening now is NOT normal. We cannot wait for those with the power to change things to have a change of heart. Instead, we must ORGANIZE.

I encourage you to join forces with those sister friends and complete the WE CAN actions together! Add your voice to those of other WE CAN activists working to improve our communities and country. WE CAN has the resources you need to learn and get activated TOGETHER!

Step 1: Get Your Crew Together in an Action Team!

Attend a one-hour Zoom session about action teams. Invite your 4-5 sister friends to start working together as changemakers in your community. On Thursday, March 20th, at 7:00 pm we will provide details on how Action Teams work and how you can join or lead one with a lot of help from WE CAN! Check the post below for the link to register.

Step 2: Sign Up for FREE Virtual WE CAN Trainings!

Sign up for upcoming WE CAN trainings to learn more about how our system of government works and how you can influence the folks you elected to office. On Thursday, April 3rd, at 6:00 pm, we’ll offer Federal Budget 101. Need help making sense of budget resolutions and reconciliation, appropriations bills, government shutdowns, and other policy speak? The April 3rd session will explain how it works and give you a chance to ask questions in a safe space. The link to sign up is below.

Future sessions will break down how the U.S. Congress works, and we’ll have a session titled Everything You Wanted to Know About Medicaid/Medicare/ and Social Security but didn’t know who to ask will happen in mid-April. If you have a topic or issue you’d like WE CAN to explain, please email us at [email protected].

Yelling at the TV or your phone won’t change things, but calling, writing, and showing up at elected officials’ offices will. We already have some of them running scared, as evidenced by their refusal to hold more town hall meetings.

I hope to see you on March 20th, April 3rd and other dates for the FREE virtual learning and action sessions. Let’s keep turning up the heat until they do what WE, THE PEOPLE, want and need.

As always, in solidarity,
